Module mydata_did.v1_0.routes.openapi.schemas

Expand source code
from marshmallow import fields, validate, validates
from marshmallow.exceptions import ValidationError

from aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi import OpenAPISchema
from aries_cloudagent.messaging.valid import (
from aries_cloudagent.connections.models.connection_record import (
from aries_cloudagent.protocols.connections.v1_0.messages.connection_invitation import (

from ...models.exchange_records.data_agreement_didcomm_transaction_record import (
from ...models.exchange_records.data_agreement_record import (
from ...models.diddoc_model import MyDataDIDDocSchema

from ...utils.regex import MYDATA_DID

class ReadDataAgreementRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    data_agreement_id = fields.Str(
        description="Data agreement identifier",
    connection_id = fields.UUID(
        description="Connection identifier",

class DataAgreementCRUDDIDCommTransactionResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for the data agreement CRUD DID comm transaction response

    # Transaction identifier
    da_crud_didcomm_tx_id = fields.Str(
        description="Data agreement CRUD DIDComm transaction identifier",

    # Thread identifier
    thread_id = fields.Str(
        description="Thread identifier",

    # Message type
    message_type = fields.Str(
        description="Message type",

    # Message list
    messages_list = fields.List(
        description="List of messages",

    # Connection identifier
    connection_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier",

class DACRUDDIDCommTransactionRecordListQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Query string schema for listing data agreement CRUD DIDComm transaction records.

    # Connection identifier
    connection_id = fields.UUID(
        description="Connection identifier",

    # Thread identifier
    thread_id = fields.UUID(
        description="Thread identifier",

    # Message type
    message_type = fields.Str(
        description="Message type",
                getattr(DataAgreementCRUDDIDCommTransaction, m)
                for m in vars(DataAgreementCRUDDIDCommTransaction)
                if m.startswith("MESSAGE_TYPE_")

class DataAgreementCRUDDIDCommTransactionRecordDeleteByIdMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Delete a transaction record by its identifier."""

    da_crud_didcomm_tx_id = fields.Str(
        description="Data agreement CRUD didcomm transaction identifier",

class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementPersonalDataRestrictionSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for the create or update data agreement personal data restriction

    schema_id = fields.Str(
        description="Schema identifier",

    cred_def_id = fields.Str(
        description="Credential definition identifier",

class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementPersonalDataRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for the create or update data agreement personal data request

    attribute_id = fields.Str(
        description="Attribute identifier",

    restrictions = fields.List(
        description="List of restrictions",

class DPIAOpenAPISchema(OpenAPISchema):
    dpia_date = fields.Str(data_key="dpiaDate")
    dpia_summary_url = fields.Str(data_key="dpiaSummaryUrl")

class PersonalDataRestrictionOpenAPISchema(OpenAPISchema):
    schema_id = fields.Str(data_key="schemaId")
    cred_def_id = fields.Str(data_key="credDefId")

class PersonalDataOpenAPISchema(OpenAPISchema):
    attribute_id = fields.Str(data_key="attributeId")
    attribute_name = fields.Str(data_key="attributeName")
    attribute_sensitive = fields.Bool(data_key="attributeSensitive")
    attribute_category = fields.Str(data_key="attributeCategory")
    attribute_description = fields.Str(data_key="attributeDescription")
    restrictions = fields.List(

class DataPolicyOpenAPISchema(OpenAPISchema):
    policy_url = fields.Str(data_key="policyUrl")
    jurisdiction = fields.Str(data_key="jurisdiction")
    industry_sector = fields.Str(data_key="industrySector")
    data_retention_period = fields.Int(data_key="dataRetentionPeriod")
    geographic_restriction = fields.Str(data_key="geographicRestriction")
    storage_location = fields.Str(data_key="storageLocation")
    third_party_data_sharing = fields.Bool(data_key="thirdPartyDataSharing")

class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementInWalletRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    language = fields.Str(data_key="language")
    data_controller_name = fields.Str(data_key="dataControllerName")
    data_controller_url = fields.Str(data_key="dataControllerUrl")
    data_policy = fields.Nested(DataPolicyOpenAPISchema, data_key="dataPolicy")
    purpose = fields.Str(data_key="purpose")
    purpose_descripton = fields.Str(data_key="purposeDescription")
    lawful_basis = fields.Str(data_key="lawfulBasis")
    method_of_use = fields.Str(data_key="methodOfUse")
    personal_data = fields.List(fields.Nested(PersonalDataOpenAPISchema), data_key="personalData")
    dpia = fields.Nested(DPIAOpenAPISchema, data_key="dpia")

class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementPersonalDataWithoutAttributeIdSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Personal data schema class

    def validate_attribute_name(self, attribute_name):
        Validate attribute name
        if len(attribute_name) < 3:
            raise ValidationError("Attribute name must be at least 3 characters long")

    # Attribute name
    attribute_name = fields.Str(
        example="Name", description="Name of the attribute", required=True

    # Attribute description
    attribute_description = fields.Str(
        description="The description of the attribute.",
        example="Name of the customer",

    restrictions = fields.List(
        description="List of restrictions",

class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementInWalletRequestSchemaV2(
    # Data agreement personal data (attributes)
    personal_data = fields.List(

class DataAgreementV1RecordResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for data agreement v1 record response
    template_id = fields.Str()
    state = fields.Str()
    method_of_use = fields.Str()
    data_agreement = fields.Dict()
    schema_id = fields.Str()
    cred_def_id = fields.Str()
    presentation_request = fields.Dict()
    publish_flag = fields.Str()
    delete_flag = fields.Str()
    existing_schema_flag = fields.Str()
    latest_version_flag = fields.Str()

class AuditorDIDCommTransactionRecordsRetrieveByIdMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Retrieve a transaction record by its identifier.

    auditor_didcomm_transaction_record_id = fields.Str(
        description="Auditor didcomm transaction identifier", required=True, **UUID4

class AuditorDIDCommTransactionRecordsDeleteByIdMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Delete a transaction record by its identifier.

    auditor_didcomm_transaction_record_id = fields.Str(
        description="Auditor didcomm transaction identifier", required=True, **UUID4

class AuditorDIDCommTransactionRecordListQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Query string schema for listing Auditor DIDComm transaction records.

    # Connection identifier
    connection_id = fields.UUID(
        description="Connection identifier",

    # Thread identifier
    thread_id = fields.UUID(
        description="Thread identifier",

class DataAgreementQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Query string schema for data agreements

    method_of_use = fields.Str(
        description="Method of use",
                getattr(DataAgreementV1Record, m)
                for m in vars(DataAgreementV1Record)
                if m.startswith("METHOD_OF_USE_")

    template_id = fields.Str(
        description="Template identifier",

    template_version = fields.Str(
        description="Template version",

    delete_flag = fields.Bool(
        description="Query deleted templates",

    publish_flag = fields.Bool(
        description="Query published templates",

    third_party_data_sharing = fields.Bool(
        description="Third party data sharing",

    latest_version_flag = fields.Bool(
        description="Latest version of the template",

    page = fields.Int(
        description="Page number",

    page_size = fields.Int(
        description="Page size",

class UpdateDataAgreementMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema to match info for the update data agreement endpoint

    template_id = fields.Str(
        description="Template identifier", required=True

class DeleteDataAgreementMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema to match info for the delete data agreement endpoint

    template_id = fields.Str(
        description="Template identifier", required=True

class CreateAndStoreDAPersonalDataInWalletRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema):

    Schema for the create and store personal data in wallet request

    def validate_attribute_name(self, attribute_name):
        Validate attribute name
        if len(attribute_name) < 3:
            raise ValidationError("Attribute name must be at least 3 characters long")

    # Attribute name
    attribute_name = fields.Str(
        example="Name", description="Name of the attribute", required=True

    # Attribute sensitive
    attribute_sensitive = fields.Bool(
        example=True, description="Sensitivity of the attribute", required=False

    # Attribute category
    attribute_category = fields.Str(
        example="Personal", description="Category of the attribute", required=False

    def validate_attribute_description(self, attribute_description):
        Validate attribute description
        if len(attribute_description) < 3:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Attribute description must be at least 3 characters long"

        if len(attribute_description) > 1000:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Attribute description must be at most 1000 characters long"

    # Attribute description
    attribute_description = fields.Str(
        example="Name of the user",
        description="Description of the attribute",

class QueryDAPersonalDataInWalletQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for the query personal data in wallet query string

    attribute_sensitive = fields.Bool(
        description="Sensitivity of the attribute", required=False

    attribute_category = fields.Str(
        description="Category of the attribute", required=False

class ListDAPersonalDataCategoryFromWalletResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for the list personal data category from wallet response

    # List of categories
    categories = fields.List(
        fields.Str(description="Category", example="Personal"),
        description="List of categories",

class MarkExistingConnectionAsAuditorMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for the mark existing connection as auditor match info

    connection_id = fields.Str(
        example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, description="Connection identifier", required=True

class QueryDataAgreementInstanceQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Query data agreement instances

    instance_id = fields.Str(required=False)
    template_id = fields.Str(required=False)
    template_version = fields.Str(required=False)
    method_of_use = fields.Str(
    third_party_data_sharing = fields.Bool(required=False)
    data_ex_id = fields.Str(required=False)
    data_subject_did = fields.Str(required=False)
    page = fields.Int(required=False)
    page_size = fields.Int(required=False)

class AuditorSendDataAgreementVerifyRequestMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema to send data agreement verify request to the auditor

    data_agreement_id = fields.Str(
        description="Data agreement identifier",

class DataAgreementQRCodeMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for data agreement QR code match info

    template_id = fields.Str(required=True)

class DataAgreementQRCodeInvitationSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for connection invitation details inside in data agreement qr code payload."""

    service_endpoint = fields.Str(
        description="Service endpoint", example="http://localhost:8080/"
    recipient_key = fields.Str(description="Recipient key", **INDY_RAW_PUBLIC_KEY)

class GenerateDataAgreementQrCodePayloadResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for Data Agreement QR code payload

    qr_id = fields.Str(description="QR code ID", **UUID4)
    connection_id = fields.Str(description="Connection ID", **UUID4)
    invitation = fields.Nested(
        description="Connection invitation information",

class SendReadDIDMessageMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Send a read-did message to the MyData DID registry service.

    did = fields.Str(description="did:mydata identifier", required=True, **MYDATA_DID)

class MyDataDIDRemoteRecordsQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Query string schema for listing MyData DID remote records.

    # Sovrin verkey
    sov_verkey = fields.Str(
        description="Sovrin verkey", required=False, **INDY_RAW_PUBLIC_KEY

    # DID
    did = fields.Str(**MYDATA_DID, description="MyData decentralised identifier")

    # Status
    status = fields.Str(
        description="MyData DID remote status",
        validate=validate.OneOf(["active", "revoked"]),

class MyDataDIDRemoteRecordResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Response schema for MyData DID remote record.

    did_doc = fields.Nested(
        description="MyData DID document",

    did = fields.Str(**MYDATA_DID, description="MyData decentralised identifier")

    sov_verkey = fields.Str(
        description="Sovrin verkey", required=False, **INDY_RAW_PUBLIC_KEY

    status = fields.Str(
        description="MyData DID remote status",
        validate=validate.OneOf(["active", "revoked"]),

class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementInWalletQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Query string schema for create data agreement handler"""

    publish_flag = fields.Boolean(description="Publish the agreement",
                                  required=False, example=False)

    existing_schema_id = fields.Str(
        description="Existing schema identifier",

class UpdateDataAgreementTemplateOpenAPISchema(OpenAPISchema):
    publish_flag = fields.Boolean(required=False)
    existing_schema_id = fields.Str(required=False)

class PublishDataAgreementMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema to match info for the publish data agreement endpoint

    template_id = fields.Str()

class QueryDaPersonalDataInWalletQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    template_id = fields.Str(required=False)
    page = fields.Int(required=False)
    page_size = fields.Int(required=False)
    method_of_use = fields.Str(
    third_party_data_sharing = fields.Bool(required=False)

class UpdateDaPersonalDataInWalletMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):

    attribute_id = fields.Str(
        required=True, description="Personal data identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE

class UpdateDaPersonalDataInWalletRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    attribute_description = fields.Str(
        description="Attribute description", example="Age of the patient", required=True

class UpdateDaPersonalDataInWalletResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):

    attribute_id = fields.Str(description="Attribute ID", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE)
    attribute_name = fields.Str(description="Attribute name", example="Name")
    attribute_description = fields.Str(
        description="Attribute description", example="Name of the patient"
    data_agreement_template_id = fields.Str(
        description="Data Agreement Template ID", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE
    data_agreement_template_version = fields.Integer(
        description="Data Agreement Template version", example=1
    created_at = fields.Integer(
        description="Created at (Epoch time in seconds)", example=1578012800
    updated_at = fields.Integer(
        description="Updated at (Epoch time in seconds)", example=1578012800

class DeleteDaPersonalDataInWalletMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):

    attribute_id = fields.Str(
        required=True, description="Personal data identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE

class QueryDataAgreementQrCodeMetadataRecordsMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema to validate path parameters for query data agreement qr code metadata records."""

    template_id = fields.Str(
        description="Template identifier",

class QueryDataAgreementQrCodeMetadataRecordsQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for querying data agreement qr code metadata records"""

    qr_id = fields.Str(
        description="QR code identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=False

class QueryDataAgreementQRCodeMetadataRecordsResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for querying data agreement qr code metadata records response"""

    qr_id = fields.Str(
        description="QR code identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=False

    data_agreement_id = fields.Str(
        description="Data Agreement identifier",

    connection_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=False

    multi_use = fields.Bool()
    is_scanned = fields.Bool()
    data_exchange_record_id = fields.Str()

class RemoveDataAgreementQrCodeMetadataRecordMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    template_id = fields.Str()
    qr_id = fields.Str()

class Base64EncodeDataAgreementQrCodeMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Match info (URL path params) schema for base64 encode
    data agreement QR code payload endpoint"""

    # Data Agreement identifier.
    data_agreement_id = fields.Str(
        description="Data Agreement identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True

    # Qr code identifier
    qr_id = fields.Str(
        description="QR code identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True

class SendDataAgreementQrCodeWorkflowInitiateHandlerMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Match info (URL path params) schema for send
    data agreement qr code workflow initiate endpoint"""

    # Connection identifier.
    connection_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True

    # Qr code identifier
    qr_id = fields.Str(
        description="QR code identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True

class SendReadAllDataAgreementTemplateMessageHandlerMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for matching path parameters in send read all
    data agreement template message handler"""

    connection_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True

class GenerateDataAgreementQrCodePayloadQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for query string parameters to generate data agreement qr code payload"""

    multi_use = fields.Bool()

class SendJSONLDDIDCommProcessedDataMessageHandlerRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    data = fields.Dict()
    signature_options = fields.Dict()
    proof_chain = fields.Bool()

class SendJSONLDDIDCommProcessedDataMessageHandlerMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):

    connection_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True

class V2CreateInvitationQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Parameters and validators for create invitation request query string."""

    alias = fields.Str(
    auto_accept = fields.Boolean(
        description="Auto-accept connection (default as per configuration)",
    public = fields.Boolean(
        description="Create invitation from public DID (default false)", required=False
    multi_use = fields.Boolean(
        description="Create invitation for multiple use (default false)", required=False

class V2InvitationResultSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Result schema for a new connection invitation."""

    connection_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE
    invitation = fields.Nested(ConnectionInvitationSchema())
    invitation_url = fields.Str(
        description="Invitation URL",

class GenerateFirebaseDynamicLinkForConnectionInvitationMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for matching path parameters in generate firebase
    dynamic link for connection invitation handler"""

    conn_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True

class GenerateFirebaseDynamicLinkForConnectionInvitationResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for response of generate firebase dynamic link for connection invitation handler"""

    # Firebase dynamic link
    firebase_dynamic_link = fields.Str(
        description="Firebase dynamic link",

class SendExistingConnectionsMessageHandlerMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for matching path parameters in send existing connections message handler"""

    conn_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True

class SendExistingConnectionsMessageHandlerRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for request body of send existing connections message handler"""

    theirdid = fields.Str(
        description="Their DID", example="QmWbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg", required=True

class GetExistingConnectionMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for matching path parameters in get existing connection handler"""

    conn_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True

class GetExistingConnectionResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for response of get existing connection handler"""

    existing_connection_id = fields.Str()
    my_did = fields.Str()
    connection_status = fields.Str()
    connection_id = fields.Str()

class ConnectionsListQueryStringSchemaV2(OpenAPISchema):
    """Parameters and validators for connections list request query string."""

    alias = fields.Str(

    initiator = fields.Str(
        description="Connection initiator",
        validate=validate.OneOf(["self", "external"]),

    invitation_key = fields.Str(
        description="invitation key", required=False, **INDY_RAW_PUBLIC_KEY

    my_did = fields.Str(description="My DID", required=False, **INDY_DID)

    state = fields.Str(
        description="Connection state",
                getattr(ConnectionRecord, m)
                for m in vars(ConnectionRecord)
                if m.startswith("STATE_")

    their_did = fields.Str(description="Their DID", required=False, **INDY_DID)

    their_role = fields.Str(
        description="Their assigned connection role",
        example="Point of contact",

    # Page
    page = fields.Int(
        description="Page number",

    # Page size
    page_size = fields.Int(
        description="Page size",

    # Org flag
    org_flag = fields.Bool(required=False)

    # Marketplace flag
    marketplace_flag = fields.Bool(required=False)

class ConnectionListSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Result schema for connection list."""

    results = fields.List(
        description="List of connection records",

class UpdateControllerDetailsRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Update controller details request schema"""
    organisation_did = fields.Str(required=False)
    organisation_name = fields.Str(required=False)
    cover_image_url = fields.Str(required=False)
    logo_image_url = fields.Str(required=False)
    location = fields.Str(required=False)
    organisation_type = fields.Str(required=False)
    description = fields.Str(required=False)
    policy_url = fields.Str(required=False)
    eula_url = fields.Str(required=False)

class ConfigureCustomerIdentificationDAMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Configure customer identification DA match info schema"""

    template_id = fields.Str()


class AuditorDIDCommTransactionRecordListQueryStringSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Query string schema for listing Auditor DIDComm transaction records.

Expand source code
class AuditorDIDCommTransactionRecordListQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Query string schema for listing Auditor DIDComm transaction records.

    # Connection identifier
    connection_id = fields.UUID(
        description="Connection identifier",

    # Thread identifier
    thread_id = fields.UUID(
        description="Thread identifier",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class AuditorDIDCommTransactionRecordsDeleteByIdMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Delete a transaction record by its identifier.

Expand source code
class AuditorDIDCommTransactionRecordsDeleteByIdMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Delete a transaction record by its identifier.

    auditor_didcomm_transaction_record_id = fields.Str(
        description="Auditor didcomm transaction identifier", required=True, **UUID4


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class AuditorDIDCommTransactionRecordsRetrieveByIdMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Retrieve a transaction record by its identifier.

Expand source code
class AuditorDIDCommTransactionRecordsRetrieveByIdMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Retrieve a transaction record by its identifier.

    auditor_didcomm_transaction_record_id = fields.Str(
        description="Auditor didcomm transaction identifier", required=True, **UUID4


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class AuditorSendDataAgreementVerifyRequestMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema to send data agreement verify request to the auditor

Expand source code
class AuditorSendDataAgreementVerifyRequestMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema to send data agreement verify request to the auditor

    data_agreement_id = fields.Str(
        description="Data agreement identifier",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class Base64EncodeDataAgreementQrCodeMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Match info (URL path params) schema for base64 encode data agreement QR code payload endpoint

Expand source code
class Base64EncodeDataAgreementQrCodeMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Match info (URL path params) schema for base64 encode
    data agreement QR code payload endpoint"""

    # Data Agreement identifier.
    data_agreement_id = fields.Str(
        description="Data Agreement identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True

    # Qr code identifier
    qr_id = fields.Str(
        description="QR code identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class ConfigureCustomerIdentificationDAMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Configure customer identification DA match info schema

Expand source code
class ConfigureCustomerIdentificationDAMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Configure customer identification DA match info schema"""

    template_id = fields.Str()


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class ConnectionListSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Result schema for connection list.

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class ConnectionListSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Result schema for connection list."""

    results = fields.List(
        description="List of connection records",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class ConnectionsListQueryStringSchemaV2 (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Parameters and validators for connections list request query string.

Expand source code
class ConnectionsListQueryStringSchemaV2(OpenAPISchema):
    """Parameters and validators for connections list request query string."""

    alias = fields.Str(

    initiator = fields.Str(
        description="Connection initiator",
        validate=validate.OneOf(["self", "external"]),

    invitation_key = fields.Str(
        description="invitation key", required=False, **INDY_RAW_PUBLIC_KEY

    my_did = fields.Str(description="My DID", required=False, **INDY_DID)

    state = fields.Str(
        description="Connection state",
                getattr(ConnectionRecord, m)
                for m in vars(ConnectionRecord)
                if m.startswith("STATE_")

    their_did = fields.Str(description="Their DID", required=False, **INDY_DID)

    their_role = fields.Str(
        description="Their assigned connection role",
        example="Point of contact",

    # Page
    page = fields.Int(
        description="Page number",

    # Page size
    page_size = fields.Int(
        description="Page size",

    # Org flag
    org_flag = fields.Bool(required=False)

    # Marketplace flag
    marketplace_flag = fields.Bool(required=False)


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class CreateAndStoreDAPersonalDataInWalletRequestSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for the create and store personal data in wallet request

Expand source code
class CreateAndStoreDAPersonalDataInWalletRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema):

    Schema for the create and store personal data in wallet request

    def validate_attribute_name(self, attribute_name):
        Validate attribute name
        if len(attribute_name) < 3:
            raise ValidationError("Attribute name must be at least 3 characters long")

    # Attribute name
    attribute_name = fields.Str(
        example="Name", description="Name of the attribute", required=True

    # Attribute sensitive
    attribute_sensitive = fields.Bool(
        example=True, description="Sensitivity of the attribute", required=False

    # Attribute category
    attribute_category = fields.Str(
        example="Personal", description="Category of the attribute", required=False

    def validate_attribute_description(self, attribute_description):
        Validate attribute description
        if len(attribute_description) < 3:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Attribute description must be at least 3 characters long"

        if len(attribute_description) > 1000:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Attribute description must be at most 1000 characters long"

    # Attribute description
    attribute_description = fields.Str(
        example="Name of the user",
        description="Description of the attribute",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts


def validate_attribute_description(self, attribute_description)

Validate attribute description

Expand source code
def validate_attribute_description(self, attribute_description):
    Validate attribute description
    if len(attribute_description) < 3:
        raise ValidationError(
            "Attribute description must be at least 3 characters long"

    if len(attribute_description) > 1000:
        raise ValidationError(
            "Attribute description must be at most 1000 characters long"
def validate_attribute_name(self, attribute_name)

Validate attribute name

Expand source code
def validate_attribute_name(self, attribute_name):
    Validate attribute name
    if len(attribute_name) < 3:
        raise ValidationError("Attribute name must be at least 3 characters long")
class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementInWalletQueryStringSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Query string schema for create data agreement handler

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class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementInWalletQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Query string schema for create data agreement handler"""

    publish_flag = fields.Boolean(description="Publish the agreement",
                                  required=False, example=False)

    existing_schema_id = fields.Str(
        description="Existing schema identifier",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementInWalletRequestSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for OpenAPI artifacts: excluding unknown fields, not raising exception.

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class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementInWalletRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    language = fields.Str(data_key="language")
    data_controller_name = fields.Str(data_key="dataControllerName")
    data_controller_url = fields.Str(data_key="dataControllerUrl")
    data_policy = fields.Nested(DataPolicyOpenAPISchema, data_key="dataPolicy")
    purpose = fields.Str(data_key="purpose")
    purpose_descripton = fields.Str(data_key="purposeDescription")
    lawful_basis = fields.Str(data_key="lawfulBasis")
    method_of_use = fields.Str(data_key="methodOfUse")
    personal_data = fields.List(fields.Nested(PersonalDataOpenAPISchema), data_key="personalData")
    dpia = fields.Nested(DPIAOpenAPISchema, data_key="dpia")


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC


Class variables

var opts
class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementInWalletRequestSchemaV2 (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for OpenAPI artifacts: excluding unknown fields, not raising exception.

Expand source code
class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementInWalletRequestSchemaV2(
    # Data agreement personal data (attributes)
    personal_data = fields.List(


Class variables

var opts
class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementPersonalDataRequestSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for the create or update data agreement personal data request

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class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementPersonalDataRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for the create or update data agreement personal data request

    attribute_id = fields.Str(
        description="Attribute identifier",

    restrictions = fields.List(
        description="List of restrictions",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementPersonalDataRestrictionSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for the create or update data agreement personal data restriction

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class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementPersonalDataRestrictionSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for the create or update data agreement personal data restriction

    schema_id = fields.Str(
        description="Schema identifier",

    cred_def_id = fields.Str(
        description="Credential definition identifier",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementPersonalDataWithoutAttributeIdSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Personal data schema class

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class CreateOrUpdateDataAgreementPersonalDataWithoutAttributeIdSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Personal data schema class

    def validate_attribute_name(self, attribute_name):
        Validate attribute name
        if len(attribute_name) < 3:
            raise ValidationError("Attribute name must be at least 3 characters long")

    # Attribute name
    attribute_name = fields.Str(
        example="Name", description="Name of the attribute", required=True

    # Attribute description
    attribute_description = fields.Str(
        description="The description of the attribute.",
        example="Name of the customer",

    restrictions = fields.List(
        description="List of restrictions",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts


def validate_attribute_name(self, attribute_name)

Validate attribute name

Expand source code
def validate_attribute_name(self, attribute_name):
    Validate attribute name
    if len(attribute_name) < 3:
        raise ValidationError("Attribute name must be at least 3 characters long")
class DACRUDDIDCommTransactionRecordListQueryStringSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Query string schema for listing data agreement CRUD DIDComm transaction records.

Expand source code
class DACRUDDIDCommTransactionRecordListQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Query string schema for listing data agreement CRUD DIDComm transaction records.

    # Connection identifier
    connection_id = fields.UUID(
        description="Connection identifier",

    # Thread identifier
    thread_id = fields.UUID(
        description="Thread identifier",

    # Message type
    message_type = fields.Str(
        description="Message type",
                getattr(DataAgreementCRUDDIDCommTransaction, m)
                for m in vars(DataAgreementCRUDDIDCommTransaction)
                if m.startswith("MESSAGE_TYPE_")


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class DPIAOpenAPISchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for OpenAPI artifacts: excluding unknown fields, not raising exception.

Expand source code
class DPIAOpenAPISchema(OpenAPISchema):
    dpia_date = fields.Str(data_key="dpiaDate")
    dpia_summary_url = fields.Str(data_key="dpiaSummaryUrl")


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class DataAgreementCRUDDIDCommTransactionRecordDeleteByIdMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Delete a transaction record by its identifier.

Expand source code
class DataAgreementCRUDDIDCommTransactionRecordDeleteByIdMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Delete a transaction record by its identifier."""

    da_crud_didcomm_tx_id = fields.Str(
        description="Data agreement CRUD didcomm transaction identifier",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class DataAgreementCRUDDIDCommTransactionResponseSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for the data agreement CRUD DID comm transaction response

Expand source code
class DataAgreementCRUDDIDCommTransactionResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for the data agreement CRUD DID comm transaction response

    # Transaction identifier
    da_crud_didcomm_tx_id = fields.Str(
        description="Data agreement CRUD DIDComm transaction identifier",

    # Thread identifier
    thread_id = fields.Str(
        description="Thread identifier",

    # Message type
    message_type = fields.Str(
        description="Message type",

    # Message list
    messages_list = fields.List(
        description="List of messages",

    # Connection identifier
    connection_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class DataAgreementQRCodeInvitationSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for connection invitation details inside in data agreement qr code payload.

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class DataAgreementQRCodeInvitationSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for connection invitation details inside in data agreement qr code payload."""

    service_endpoint = fields.Str(
        description="Service endpoint", example="http://localhost:8080/"
    recipient_key = fields.Str(description="Recipient key", **INDY_RAW_PUBLIC_KEY)


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class DataAgreementQRCodeMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for data agreement QR code match info

Expand source code
class DataAgreementQRCodeMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for data agreement QR code match info

    template_id = fields.Str(required=True)


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class DataAgreementQueryStringSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Query string schema for data agreements

Expand source code
class DataAgreementQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Query string schema for data agreements

    method_of_use = fields.Str(
        description="Method of use",
                getattr(DataAgreementV1Record, m)
                for m in vars(DataAgreementV1Record)
                if m.startswith("METHOD_OF_USE_")

    template_id = fields.Str(
        description="Template identifier",

    template_version = fields.Str(
        description="Template version",

    delete_flag = fields.Bool(
        description="Query deleted templates",

    publish_flag = fields.Bool(
        description="Query published templates",

    third_party_data_sharing = fields.Bool(
        description="Third party data sharing",

    latest_version_flag = fields.Bool(
        description="Latest version of the template",

    page = fields.Int(
        description="Page number",

    page_size = fields.Int(
        description="Page size",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class DataAgreementV1RecordResponseSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for data agreement v1 record response

Expand source code
class DataAgreementV1RecordResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for data agreement v1 record response
    template_id = fields.Str()
    state = fields.Str()
    method_of_use = fields.Str()
    data_agreement = fields.Dict()
    schema_id = fields.Str()
    cred_def_id = fields.Str()
    presentation_request = fields.Dict()
    publish_flag = fields.Str()
    delete_flag = fields.Str()
    existing_schema_flag = fields.Str()
    latest_version_flag = fields.Str()


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class DataPolicyOpenAPISchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for OpenAPI artifacts: excluding unknown fields, not raising exception.

Expand source code
class DataPolicyOpenAPISchema(OpenAPISchema):
    policy_url = fields.Str(data_key="policyUrl")
    jurisdiction = fields.Str(data_key="jurisdiction")
    industry_sector = fields.Str(data_key="industrySector")
    data_retention_period = fields.Int(data_key="dataRetentionPeriod")
    geographic_restriction = fields.Str(data_key="geographicRestriction")
    storage_location = fields.Str(data_key="storageLocation")
    third_party_data_sharing = fields.Bool(data_key="thirdPartyDataSharing")


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class DeleteDaPersonalDataInWalletMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for OpenAPI artifacts: excluding unknown fields, not raising exception.

Expand source code
class DeleteDaPersonalDataInWalletMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):

    attribute_id = fields.Str(
        required=True, description="Personal data identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class DeleteDataAgreementMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema to match info for the delete data agreement endpoint

Expand source code
class DeleteDataAgreementMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema to match info for the delete data agreement endpoint

    template_id = fields.Str(
        description="Template identifier", required=True


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class GenerateDataAgreementQrCodePayloadQueryStringSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for query string parameters to generate data agreement qr code payload

Expand source code
class GenerateDataAgreementQrCodePayloadQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for query string parameters to generate data agreement qr code payload"""

    multi_use = fields.Bool()


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class GenerateDataAgreementQrCodePayloadResponseSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for Data Agreement QR code payload

Expand source code
class GenerateDataAgreementQrCodePayloadResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for Data Agreement QR code payload

    qr_id = fields.Str(description="QR code ID", **UUID4)
    connection_id = fields.Str(description="Connection ID", **UUID4)
    invitation = fields.Nested(
        description="Connection invitation information",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class GenerateFirebaseDynamicLinkForConnectionInvitationMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for matching path parameters in generate firebase dynamic link for connection invitation handler

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class GenerateFirebaseDynamicLinkForConnectionInvitationMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for matching path parameters in generate firebase
    dynamic link for connection invitation handler"""

    conn_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class GenerateFirebaseDynamicLinkForConnectionInvitationResponseSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for response of generate firebase dynamic link for connection invitation handler

Expand source code
class GenerateFirebaseDynamicLinkForConnectionInvitationResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for response of generate firebase dynamic link for connection invitation handler"""

    # Firebase dynamic link
    firebase_dynamic_link = fields.Str(
        description="Firebase dynamic link",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class GetExistingConnectionMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for matching path parameters in get existing connection handler

Expand source code
class GetExistingConnectionMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for matching path parameters in get existing connection handler"""

    conn_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class GetExistingConnectionResponseSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for response of get existing connection handler

Expand source code
class GetExistingConnectionResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for response of get existing connection handler"""

    existing_connection_id = fields.Str()
    my_did = fields.Str()
    connection_status = fields.Str()
    connection_id = fields.Str()


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class ListDAPersonalDataCategoryFromWalletResponseSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for the list personal data category from wallet response

Expand source code
class ListDAPersonalDataCategoryFromWalletResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for the list personal data category from wallet response

    # List of categories
    categories = fields.List(
        fields.Str(description="Category", example="Personal"),
        description="List of categories",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class MarkExistingConnectionAsAuditorMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for the mark existing connection as auditor match info

Expand source code
class MarkExistingConnectionAsAuditorMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for the mark existing connection as auditor match info

    connection_id = fields.Str(
        example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, description="Connection identifier", required=True


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class MyDataDIDRemoteRecordResponseSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Response schema for MyData DID remote record.

Expand source code
class MyDataDIDRemoteRecordResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Response schema for MyData DID remote record.

    did_doc = fields.Nested(
        description="MyData DID document",

    did = fields.Str(**MYDATA_DID, description="MyData decentralised identifier")

    sov_verkey = fields.Str(
        description="Sovrin verkey", required=False, **INDY_RAW_PUBLIC_KEY

    status = fields.Str(
        description="MyData DID remote status",
        validate=validate.OneOf(["active", "revoked"]),


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class MyDataDIDRemoteRecordsQueryStringSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Query string schema for listing MyData DID remote records.

Expand source code
class MyDataDIDRemoteRecordsQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Query string schema for listing MyData DID remote records.

    # Sovrin verkey
    sov_verkey = fields.Str(
        description="Sovrin verkey", required=False, **INDY_RAW_PUBLIC_KEY

    # DID
    did = fields.Str(**MYDATA_DID, description="MyData decentralised identifier")

    # Status
    status = fields.Str(
        description="MyData DID remote status",
        validate=validate.OneOf(["active", "revoked"]),


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class PersonalDataOpenAPISchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for OpenAPI artifacts: excluding unknown fields, not raising exception.

Expand source code
class PersonalDataOpenAPISchema(OpenAPISchema):
    attribute_id = fields.Str(data_key="attributeId")
    attribute_name = fields.Str(data_key="attributeName")
    attribute_sensitive = fields.Bool(data_key="attributeSensitive")
    attribute_category = fields.Str(data_key="attributeCategory")
    attribute_description = fields.Str(data_key="attributeDescription")
    restrictions = fields.List(


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class PersonalDataRestrictionOpenAPISchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for OpenAPI artifacts: excluding unknown fields, not raising exception.

Expand source code
class PersonalDataRestrictionOpenAPISchema(OpenAPISchema):
    schema_id = fields.Str(data_key="schemaId")
    cred_def_id = fields.Str(data_key="credDefId")


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class PublishDataAgreementMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema to match info for the publish data agreement endpoint

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class PublishDataAgreementMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema to match info for the publish data agreement endpoint

    template_id = fields.Str()


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class QueryDAPersonalDataInWalletQueryStringSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for the query personal data in wallet query string

Expand source code
class QueryDAPersonalDataInWalletQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema for the query personal data in wallet query string

    attribute_sensitive = fields.Bool(
        description="Sensitivity of the attribute", required=False

    attribute_category = fields.Str(
        description="Category of the attribute", required=False


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class QueryDaPersonalDataInWalletQueryStringSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for OpenAPI artifacts: excluding unknown fields, not raising exception.

Expand source code
class QueryDaPersonalDataInWalletQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    template_id = fields.Str(required=False)
    page = fields.Int(required=False)
    page_size = fields.Int(required=False)
    method_of_use = fields.Str(
    third_party_data_sharing = fields.Bool(required=False)


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class QueryDataAgreementInstanceQueryStringSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Query data agreement instances

Expand source code
class QueryDataAgreementInstanceQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Query data agreement instances

    instance_id = fields.Str(required=False)
    template_id = fields.Str(required=False)
    template_version = fields.Str(required=False)
    method_of_use = fields.Str(
    third_party_data_sharing = fields.Bool(required=False)
    data_ex_id = fields.Str(required=False)
    data_subject_did = fields.Str(required=False)
    page = fields.Int(required=False)
    page_size = fields.Int(required=False)


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class QueryDataAgreementQRCodeMetadataRecordsResponseSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for querying data agreement qr code metadata records response

Expand source code
class QueryDataAgreementQRCodeMetadataRecordsResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for querying data agreement qr code metadata records response"""

    qr_id = fields.Str(
        description="QR code identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=False

    data_agreement_id = fields.Str(
        description="Data Agreement identifier",

    connection_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=False

    multi_use = fields.Bool()
    is_scanned = fields.Bool()
    data_exchange_record_id = fields.Str()


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class QueryDataAgreementQrCodeMetadataRecordsMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema to validate path parameters for query data agreement qr code metadata records.

Expand source code
class QueryDataAgreementQrCodeMetadataRecordsMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema to validate path parameters for query data agreement qr code metadata records."""

    template_id = fields.Str(
        description="Template identifier",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class QueryDataAgreementQrCodeMetadataRecordsQueryStringSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for querying data agreement qr code metadata records

Expand source code
class QueryDataAgreementQrCodeMetadataRecordsQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for querying data agreement qr code metadata records"""

    qr_id = fields.Str(
        description="QR code identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=False


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class ReadDataAgreementRequestSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for OpenAPI artifacts: excluding unknown fields, not raising exception.

Expand source code
class ReadDataAgreementRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    data_agreement_id = fields.Str(
        description="Data agreement identifier",
    connection_id = fields.UUID(
        description="Connection identifier",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class RemoveDataAgreementQrCodeMetadataRecordMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for OpenAPI artifacts: excluding unknown fields, not raising exception.

Expand source code
class RemoveDataAgreementQrCodeMetadataRecordMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    template_id = fields.Str()
    qr_id = fields.Str()


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class SendDataAgreementQrCodeWorkflowInitiateHandlerMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Match info (URL path params) schema for send data agreement qr code workflow initiate endpoint

Expand source code
class SendDataAgreementQrCodeWorkflowInitiateHandlerMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Match info (URL path params) schema for send
    data agreement qr code workflow initiate endpoint"""

    # Connection identifier.
    connection_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True

    # Qr code identifier
    qr_id = fields.Str(
        description="QR code identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class SendExistingConnectionsMessageHandlerMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for matching path parameters in send existing connections message handler

Expand source code
class SendExistingConnectionsMessageHandlerMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for matching path parameters in send existing connections message handler"""

    conn_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class SendExistingConnectionsMessageHandlerRequestSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for request body of send existing connections message handler

Expand source code
class SendExistingConnectionsMessageHandlerRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for request body of send existing connections message handler"""

    theirdid = fields.Str(
        description="Their DID", example="QmWbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg", required=True


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class SendJSONLDDIDCommProcessedDataMessageHandlerMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for OpenAPI artifacts: excluding unknown fields, not raising exception.

Expand source code
class SendJSONLDDIDCommProcessedDataMessageHandlerMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):

    connection_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class SendJSONLDDIDCommProcessedDataMessageHandlerRequestSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for OpenAPI artifacts: excluding unknown fields, not raising exception.

Expand source code
class SendJSONLDDIDCommProcessedDataMessageHandlerRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    data = fields.Dict()
    signature_options = fields.Dict()
    proof_chain = fields.Bool()


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class SendReadAllDataAgreementTemplateMessageHandlerMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for matching path parameters in send read all data agreement template message handler

Expand source code
class SendReadAllDataAgreementTemplateMessageHandlerMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Schema for matching path parameters in send read all
    data agreement template message handler"""

    connection_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE, required=True


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class SendReadDIDMessageMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Send a read-did message to the MyData DID registry service.

Expand source code
class SendReadDIDMessageMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Send a read-did message to the MyData DID registry service.

    did = fields.Str(description="did:mydata identifier", required=True, **MYDATA_DID)


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class UpdateControllerDetailsRequestSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Update controller details request schema

Expand source code
class UpdateControllerDetailsRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Update controller details request schema"""
    organisation_did = fields.Str(required=False)
    organisation_name = fields.Str(required=False)
    cover_image_url = fields.Str(required=False)
    logo_image_url = fields.Str(required=False)
    location = fields.Str(required=False)
    organisation_type = fields.Str(required=False)
    description = fields.Str(required=False)
    policy_url = fields.Str(required=False)
    eula_url = fields.Str(required=False)


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class UpdateDaPersonalDataInWalletMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for OpenAPI artifacts: excluding unknown fields, not raising exception.

Expand source code
class UpdateDaPersonalDataInWalletMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):

    attribute_id = fields.Str(
        required=True, description="Personal data identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class UpdateDaPersonalDataInWalletRequestSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for OpenAPI artifacts: excluding unknown fields, not raising exception.

Expand source code
class UpdateDaPersonalDataInWalletRequestSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    attribute_description = fields.Str(
        description="Attribute description", example="Age of the patient", required=True


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class UpdateDaPersonalDataInWalletResponseSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for OpenAPI artifacts: excluding unknown fields, not raising exception.

Expand source code
class UpdateDaPersonalDataInWalletResponseSchema(OpenAPISchema):

    attribute_id = fields.Str(description="Attribute ID", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE)
    attribute_name = fields.Str(description="Attribute name", example="Name")
    attribute_description = fields.Str(
        description="Attribute description", example="Name of the patient"
    data_agreement_template_id = fields.Str(
        description="Data Agreement Template ID", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE
    data_agreement_template_version = fields.Integer(
        description="Data Agreement Template version", example=1
    created_at = fields.Integer(
        description="Created at (Epoch time in seconds)", example=1578012800
    updated_at = fields.Integer(
        description="Updated at (Epoch time in seconds)", example=1578012800


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class UpdateDataAgreementMatchInfoSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema to match info for the update data agreement endpoint

Expand source code
class UpdateDataAgreementMatchInfoSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    Schema to match info for the update data agreement endpoint

    template_id = fields.Str(
        description="Template identifier", required=True


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class UpdateDataAgreementTemplateOpenAPISchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Schema for OpenAPI artifacts: excluding unknown fields, not raising exception.

Expand source code
class UpdateDataAgreementTemplateOpenAPISchema(OpenAPISchema):
    publish_flag = fields.Boolean(required=False)
    existing_schema_id = fields.Str(required=False)


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class V2CreateInvitationQueryStringSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Parameters and validators for create invitation request query string.

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class V2CreateInvitationQueryStringSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Parameters and validators for create invitation request query string."""

    alias = fields.Str(
    auto_accept = fields.Boolean(
        description="Auto-accept connection (default as per configuration)",
    public = fields.Boolean(
        description="Create invitation from public DID (default false)", required=False
    multi_use = fields.Boolean(
        description="Create invitation for multiple use (default false)", required=False


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts
class V2InvitationResultSchema (*, only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Dict[~KT, ~VT] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: str = None)

Result schema for a new connection invitation.

Expand source code
class V2InvitationResultSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Result schema for a new connection invitation."""

    connection_id = fields.Str(
        description="Connection identifier", example=UUIDFour.EXAMPLE
    invitation = fields.Nested(ConnectionInvitationSchema())
    invitation_url = fields.Str(
        description="Invitation URL",


  • aries_cloudagent.messaging.models.openapi.OpenAPISchema
  • marshmallow.schema.Schema
  • marshmallow.base.SchemaABC

Class variables

var opts