Module mydata_did.v1_0.utils.jsonld.create_verify_data

Contains the functions needed to produce and verify a json-ld signature.

This file was ported from

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Contains the functions needed to produce and verify a json-ld signature.

This file was ported from

import datetime
import hashlib

from pyld import jsonld

cache = {}
def caching_document_loader(url, options):
    loader = jsonld.requests_document_loader()
    if url in cache:
        return cache[url]
    resp = loader(url)
    cache[url] = resp
    return resp


def _canonize(data):
    return jsonld.normalize(
        data, {"algorithm": "URDNA2015", "format": "application/n-quads"}

def _sha256(data):
    return hashlib.sha256(data.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()

def _cannonize_signature_options(signatureOptions):
    _signatureOptions = {**signatureOptions,
                        "@context": ""}
    _signatureOptions.pop("jws", None)
    _signatureOptions.pop("signatureValue", None)
    _signatureOptions.pop("proofValue", None)
    return _canonize(_signatureOptions)

def _cannonize_document(doc, proof_chain: bool = False):
    _doc = {**doc}
    if not proof_chain:
        _doc.pop("proof", None)
    return _canonize(_doc)

class DroppedAttributeException(Exception):
    """Exception used to track that an attribute was removed."""


def create_verify_data(data, signature_options, proof_chain: bool = False):
    """Encapsulate the process of constructing the string used during sign and verify."""

    if "creator" in signature_options:
        signature_options["verificationMethod"] = signature_options["creator"]

    if not signature_options["verificationMethod"]:
        raise Exception("signature_options.verificationMethod is required")

    if "created" not in signature_options:
        signature_options["created"] =

    if (
        "type" not in signature_options
        or signature_options["type"] != "Ed25519Signature2018"
        signature_options["type"] = "Ed25519Signature2018"

    [expanded] = jsonld.expand(data)
    framed = jsonld.compact(
        expanded, "", {"skipExpansion": True}

    # Detect any dropped attributes during the expand/contract step.

    if len(data) != len(framed):
        raise DroppedAttributeException("Extra Attribute Detected")
    if (
        "proof" in data
        and "proof" in framed
        and len(data["proof"]) != len(framed["proof"])
        raise DroppedAttributeException("Extra Attribute Detected")

    cannonized_signature_options = _cannonize_signature_options(

    hash_of_cannonized_signature_options = _sha256(

    cannonized_document = _cannonize_document(framed, proof_chain)

    hash_of_cannonized_document = _sha256(cannonized_document)

    return (framed, hash_of_cannonized_signature_options + hash_of_cannonized_document)


def caching_document_loader(url, options)
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def caching_document_loader(url, options):
    loader = jsonld.requests_document_loader()
    if url in cache:
        return cache[url]
    resp = loader(url)
    cache[url] = resp
    return resp
def create_verify_data(data, signature_options, proof_chain: bool = False)

Encapsulate the process of constructing the string used during sign and verify.

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def create_verify_data(data, signature_options, proof_chain: bool = False):
    """Encapsulate the process of constructing the string used during sign and verify."""

    if "creator" in signature_options:
        signature_options["verificationMethod"] = signature_options["creator"]

    if not signature_options["verificationMethod"]:
        raise Exception("signature_options.verificationMethod is required")

    if "created" not in signature_options:
        signature_options["created"] =

    if (
        "type" not in signature_options
        or signature_options["type"] != "Ed25519Signature2018"
        signature_options["type"] = "Ed25519Signature2018"

    [expanded] = jsonld.expand(data)
    framed = jsonld.compact(
        expanded, "", {"skipExpansion": True}

    # Detect any dropped attributes during the expand/contract step.

    if len(data) != len(framed):
        raise DroppedAttributeException("Extra Attribute Detected")
    if (
        "proof" in data
        and "proof" in framed
        and len(data["proof"]) != len(framed["proof"])
        raise DroppedAttributeException("Extra Attribute Detected")

    cannonized_signature_options = _cannonize_signature_options(

    hash_of_cannonized_signature_options = _sha256(

    cannonized_document = _cannonize_document(framed, proof_chain)

    hash_of_cannonized_document = _sha256(cannonized_document)

    return (framed, hash_of_cannonized_signature_options + hash_of_cannonized_document)


class DroppedAttributeException (*args, **kwargs)

Exception used to track that an attribute was removed.

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class DroppedAttributeException(Exception):
    """Exception used to track that an attribute was removed."""



  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException